At the annual Build conference, Microsoft announced the general availability (GA) of Logic App Standard, the latest installment of their integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) offering. Logic App Standard is a new single-tenant offering allowing customers to run workflows anywhere.

The company introduced the Logic App Standard as Logic App preview last year, building upon the Azure Functions extensibility model. Since then, Microsoft has worked intensively with industry clients in various branches using the new Logic App version and received feedback from the community, leading to the GA release.

Now with the GA release, the public preview is labeled Logic App Standard, and it includes:

  • Creation of stateful and stateless workflow - the latter is a new workflow type in Logic Apps that doesn’t need storage to persist state between actions
  • Ability to host workflows in containers and to be deployed anywhere.
  • A new connector model, built-in to the runtime, providing high performance of some of the most common connectors such as Service Bus, Event Hubs, Blob, SQL, and MQ. Furthermore, also a new extensibility model to allow developers to build their custom connectors.
  • A new designer with a new layout engine making complex workflows render faster with full drag/drop, a new dedicated editing pane to de-clutter the whole experience, and new accessibility and other gestures to make authoring easier.
  • A new Visual Code extension for authoring, allowing developers to debug and test on their local machine quickly, set breakpoints, examine variables values in flight, and generally.
  • Ability to parameterize workflows in Logic Apps Standard to set specific environment values in deployment pipelines.

Chris Reddington, an Azure Cloud architect, wrote in an extensive blog post on the new Logic App version and concluded:

Not only can I develop locally, but I can test locally as well. Once again, thanks to the Azure Functions runtime and the Core Functions tools, I can run a local version of the Logic Apps workflow for the inner loop of my development.

With Logic Apps, Microsoft now offers the iPaaS service as a multi-tenant option labeled consumption. The Integration Service Environment (ISE) (also based on the same runtime as the multi-tenant) is the second consumption-based option - and the third option is the new single-tenant version. Each option has its benefits and is targeted for different scenarios and workloads. According to Microsoft documentation, comparing the options, the multi-tenant is the easiest to start with, while the ISE is intended for enterprise workloads and the single-tenant for running workflows anywhere.

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Microsoft Announces the General Availability of Logic App Standard
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