We have seen the same problem and its solution using a long step using Array Data Structure in this article. We are going to solve the same problem in a simplified way using the ArrayList Data Structure.

Recommended: Read about the Arrays in Java and Data Structures before continuing if needed.

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As we discussed in our previous article, let’s solve the same problem but using the ArrayList Data Structure.

int [] array = {1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 1, 3};

This is our original array. And we are calling the method removeDuplicates and passing the original array as a parameter. We then create a method like this.

public static void removeDuplicates (int [] arg) { //Solution }

#java-programming #programming-languages #programming #java #arrays #keep the stability of the array

An Easier Way to Remove the Duplicates From the Front and Keep the Stability of the Array.
1.10 GEEK