If you are a backend or a full-stack developer working in Node.js ecosystem, you probably have worked with different database access tools.

If you are working with SQL databases like MySQL you might be familiar with ORM  (Object Relational Mapper) libraries like  Sequelize,  Typeorm, Query builders like Knex or native database drivers like mysql that will help to write raw SQL queries.

Each of these tools or methods have their own pros and cons.

I found out that among these tools  Prisma is way more developer friendly.

In this article I will give a beginner walkthrough to Prisma and make you see how we can develop flexible & scalable backends.

What is Prisma?

Prisma is an open source next-generation ORM that allows you to easily manage & interact with your database.

Visit Prisma.io

Current Prisma release is comprised with 3 main parts

  1. Prisma Migrate: An imperative database schema migration tool.
  2. Prisma Client: An auto-generated and type-safe query builder.
  3. Prisma Studio: A visual editor for the data in your database.

Without further explaining let’s start building something, so the ideas behind Prisma will be much visible.

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Simplify Backend Development with Prisma
1.25 GEEK