Flutter Pin Code Fields
A flutter package which will help you to generate pin code fields with beautiful design and animations. Can be useful for OTP or pin code inputs
Features 💚
- Automatically focuses the next field on typing and focuses previous field on deletation
- Can be set to any length. (3-6 fields recommended)
- 3 different shapes for text fields
- Highly customizable
- 3 different types of animation for input texts
- Animated active, inactive, selected and disabled field color switching
- Autofocus option
- 8 Otp-code pasting from clipboard
- iOS autofill support
- Error animation. Currently have shake animation only. Watch the example app for how to integrate.
- Get currently typed text and use your condition to validate it. (for example: if (currentText.length != 6 || currentText != “your desired code”))
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Flutter Pinput
Flutter package to create Pin code input text field with every pixel customization possibility 🎨 with beautiful animations
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Flutter - Passcode Lock Screen
A Flutter package for iOS and Android for showing passcode input screen, similar to Native iOS.
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Flutter Cipherly
Cipherly is first open source Password Manager made using Flutter!
Cipherly is a password manager built using Flutter based on AES Encryption. Cipherly securely stores the passwords and protect them using AES Encryption.
A Master Password is used to encrypt the passwords and it can be only decrypted using it.
- Basic Password Store
- Encrypt Decrypt Password
- Encrypt using Master Password as Key
- Default social networks like Facebook, Google, etc.
- Custom Passwords
- Generate Random Password
- Password Strength Checker
- Search
- Dark Mode
- Fingerprint or Custom Pin Lock to secure all passwords
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Flutter Pin Input Text Field
PinInputTextField is a TextField widget to help display different style pin. It supports all the platforms flutter supports.
Feature 👇👇
- allow you customized the shape, any!
- built-in 4 commonly used pin styles of shape
- obscure support
- solid support
- enterColor support
- support all the textField properties support
- Flutter web support
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Flutter Pin Code Text Field
It’s a beautiful and highly customizable Flutter widget for entering pin code. Suitable for use cases such as login and OTP.
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Flutter Passcode
A Flutter widget for entering a passcode.
alt text
This widget allows you to customise number of characters, background and border colors and obscure text.
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Flutter Code Input
A Flutter widget for inputting content with a fixed length, visually treating each character as a separate segment.
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