Rendering layer for the Book a secure move platform

Book a secure move frontend

This is the rendering application for the Book a secure move service.

Book a secure move is part of the HMPPS Prisoner Escort and Custody Service (PECS) programme.



  1. Clone repository and change directory:

    git clone && cd hmpps-book-secure-move-frontend
  2. Install node dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Build the assets

    npm run build

Configuring the application

Create a copy of the example environment variable file and add values for the keys:

cp .env.example .env

Set the environment variables accordingly.

Running the application

In production mode

NODE_ENV=production npm start

The app will run on port 3000 by default and be available at http://localhost:3000.

In development mode

Ensure Redis is installed and running.

npm run develop

The app will be running at http://localhost:3000 or with browsersync at http://localhost:3001.

Running with debugging

Some extra levels of debugging have been added to aid development.

To see all axios requests/responses run:

DEBUG=axios npm run develop

To see app level debug logs run:

DEBUG=app:* npm run develop

You can combine namespaces, for example:

DEBUG=axios,app:* npm run develop

Testing and linting

Unit tests

Unit tests are run using the Mocha test framework and the Chai library for assertions.

It also includes the Sinon library for test spies, stubs and mocks.

To check unit tests results:

npm test

To watch unit tests whilst developing:

npm run watch:test

Acceptance tests

Acceptance (end-to-end) tests run using TestCafe framework and configured in CircleCI to run against $E2E_BASE_URL variable (staging) when the app is merged to master and deployed to staging.

To run the CI tests locally run:

npm run test-e2e:ci

To debug tests on local server run:

npm run test-e2e:local

To debug tests on local server against the API running locally, run:

npm run test-e2e:local:api

Further options can be passed to all these commands.

Available options can be seen by running the command with the -h (help) option.

npm run test-e2e:ci -- -h
npm run test-e2e:local -- -h

Screenshots are taken whenever a test fails.

Videos are taken when a test fails if enabled (see the --video option).

Video and screenshots are stored in artifacts directory.

Code coverage

Code coverage is provided by Istanbul’s command line tool, nyc.

To see coverage reports run:

npm run coverage

To open the results in a browser after running use:

npm run coverage:open



ESLint is used to lint JavaScript code and keep a consistent standard in the way it is written within this project.

The config uses the StandardJS style as a base with some custom tweaks.

Prettifier is also used to extend eslint to add some extra rules around how files are formatted. It can be integrated to many popular editors to help with formatting on save.

To check linting results run:

npm run lint
Commit messages

Commitlint is used to lint commit messages to ensure they conform to conventional convention.

This convention is required to automate the generation of changelogs and release notes on GitHub during the release process.

Releases and deployment

Releases and changelogs are automatically generated using standard-version. To generate a new release run:

npm run release

This will:

  • update contributors in package.json
  • increase the version in package.json based on commits since last tag
  • create a new changelog entry
  • create a version commit
  • create a new git tag
  • push commit and tags to remote

It will also start a new deployment specific job on CircleCI which will run the full suite of automated tests and create a release on GitHub.

Note: The deployment job has a manual approval step before it will release that version to production.

Environment variables

The TZ (timezone) environment variable is set to ‘Europe/London’ in start.js.

Name Description Default
PORT Port the web server listens on 3000
LOG_LEVEL Level of logs to output production: error, development: debug
ASSETS_HOST Host for assets CDN
SESSION_SECRET (required) A complex string unique to the environment, used to encrypt cookies
SESSION_NAME Name of the session ID cookie to set in the response (and read from in the request) book-secure-move.sid
SESSION_TTL How long the user session should last (in milliseconds) 1800000 (30 minutes)
SESSION_DB_INDEX Redis database index in which to store session data 0 (Redis’ default)
REDIS_URL (required) Redis server URL, including port and protocol
REDIS_HOST (required) Redis hostname. Can be used instead of REDIS_URL. Will override REDIS_URL if set
REDIS_AUTH_TOKEN Optional auth token for the Redis instance
API_BASE_URL (required) Base URL for the backend API server for this service without any path
API_PATH (required) Base path for the API
API_TIMEOUT TimeAPI request timeout (ms) 30000
API_VERSION (required) API version to use
API_HEALTHCHECK_PATH (required) Path to which healthcheck pings are sent
API_AUTH_PATH (required) Path to which OAuth2 access token requests should be sent
API_CLIENT_ID (required) Client ID used to authenticate with the backend API
API_SECRET (required) Client secret used to authenticate with the backend API
API_CACHE_EXPIRY The expiry time of cached API request (in seconds) 7 days
API_DISABLE_CACHE Whether to disable caching of API requests false
AUTH_PROVIDER_KEY (required) Client key provided by the OAuth2 provider for user authentication
AUTH_PROVIDER_SECRET (required) Client secret provided by the OAuth2 provider for user authentication
AUTH_PROVIDER_URL (required) Base URL for the auth provider server
AUTH_EXPIRY_MARGIN How close the user authentication should be to expiring before refreshing it 300 (5 minutes)
NOMIS_ELITE2_API_URL (required) Base URL for the NOMIS Elite 2 API, without trailing slash
NOMIS_ELITE2_API_HEALTHCHECK_PATH Path to which healthcheck pings for NOMIS Elite 2 API are sent /health/ping
SERVER_HOST (required) The (accessible) hostname (and port) of the listening web server. Used by Grant to construct redirect URLs after OAuth authentication. For example localhost:3000
FEEDBACK_URL URL for the feedback link in the phase banner at the top of the page. If empty, the link will not be displayed.
SUPPORT_EMAIL Email address used to contact support or the team in parts of the app where the user may require further help.
SENTRY_KEY Sentry key
SENTRY_PROJECT Sentry project ID
GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID Google analytics tracking ID to use for the environment
E2E_BASE_URL Base URL used for acceptance testing http://${process.env.SERVER_HOST}
E2E_MAX_PROCESSES Max number of processes to use for end-to-end tests 1
E2E_FAIL_FAST Whether to stop all tests if an end-to-end tests fails false
E2E_VIDEO Whether to capture video when end-to-end tests fail false
E2E_SKIP Comma-delimited list of files to skip when running the end-to-end tests eg. test/e2/allocation.cancel.test.js
E2E_POLICE_USERNAME Police user username used for acceptance testing
E2E_POLICE_PASSWORD Police user password used for acceptance testing
E2E_SUPPLIER_USERNAME Supplier user username used for acceptance testing
E2E_SUPPLIER_PASSWORD Supplier user password used for acceptance testing
LOCATIONS_BATCH_SIZE Maximum number of location IDs to send in one request when requesting moves for all locations 40
FEATURE_FLAG_PERSON_ESCORT_RECORD Set to true to enable display of the Person Escort Record feature
FRAMEWORKS_VERSION Current Book a secure move frameworks version that the frontend will use to create new Person Escort Records or any other frameworks being used latest supported version (see @hmpps-book-secure-move-frameworks in package.json)

Development specific

The following environment variables can be set to help development.

Name Description Default
BYPASS_SSO Set to true to bypass authentication
USER_PERMISSIONS Comma delimited string of available permissions (required if bypassing auth)
USER_LOCATIONS Comma delimited string of available locations (required if bypassing auth)


See the components readme for more detail on how to structure app level components.

Book a secure move frameworks

The frontend uses the Book a secure move frameworks repo to build and maintain certain features like the Person Escort Record.

The frontend maintains a list of versions of the framework that are supported in the package.json manifest under a scope of @hmpps-book-secure-move-frameworks. Each version is then maintained as a folder underneath that scope, for example @hmpps-book-secure-move-frameworks/0.1.0.

The frontend needs to maintain separate versions so that it can render any previous records created using the framework or allow users to continue to edit existing records that have been created using specific versions.

To support a new version

  • Add a new item under the framework scope to the package manifest:

    "@hmpps-book-secure-move-frameworks/{semanticVersion}": "github:ministryofjustice/hmpps-book-secure-move-frameworks#v{semanticVersion}"

To override the current version

The current version is used when creating new framework resources. It can be overridden using an environment variable (FRAMEWORKS_VERSION), for example when adding support for a new version but we want to still create records using an older version.

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Author: ministryofjustice

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#nodejs #javascript #node

Rendering layer for the Book a secure move platform
3.10 GEEK