Python zip() is an inbuilt function that returns the zip object, which is the iterator of tuples where the first item in each passed iterator is paired together. Then the second item in each given iterator is paired together. The zip() function takes iterables (can be zero or more), makes an iterator that aggregates items based on the iterables passed and returns the iterator of tuples.

Python zip() is the container that holds real data inside. Let’s outline this whole blog post.

  1. Understand zip() function, syntax, and examples.
  2. Check the data type of return value of zip().
  3. Passing zero, one, and multiple arguments.
  4. Python zip() function on strings.
  5. Python zip() function with a list.
  6. Python zip() function with dictionaries.
  7. Using zip() with Python set.
  8. Unzipping values in Python
  9. Zip two lists.
  10. Zip three iterators.
  11. Comparing zip() in Python 2 and Python 3
  12. Looping over multiple iterables.

Now let’s review each step in more detail.

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Python zip: How to Create Iterator from Iterables in Python
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