Personal Portfolio Website Using HTML, CSS, Javascript & Bootstrap.
Personal portfolio sites are consistent that need to be taken care of throughout your work. It gives a convenient way for potential clients to view your work while also letting you expand on your skills/experiences and services.
In this site Personal Portfolio, there are six sections on one page — Home, About, Services, Skills, Teams, and Contact, and each section is attractive and eye-catching. On the home page of this site, on the top, there is a sticky navigation bar with a logo on the left side and some navigation links are on the right side. On the left side of the home page, there are texts which are about the author’s name, profession, and a button labeled as “Hire me” as you can see in the image.
There is also a typing text animation/effect on the author’s profession which changes dynamically and shows you all the profession of the author. Now I’m just talking about the home page, if you want to know all details about this portfolio site then you can watch a video where I’ve shown the actual looks of this portfolio and the responsiveness.

#html #css

Personal Portfolio Website Using HTML, CSS, Javascript & Bootstrap
14.25 GEEK