YAML is a human-readable data-serialization language which is used to store information in key: value format as similar to the JSON. If you’re already familiar with JSON, you know this key: value format. But if you’re not familiar with JSON, then don’t worry, in this post you will understand YAML configurations easily.

What YAML stands for? it says, YAML Ain’t Markup Language.

When compared to other languages, YAML is so easy to configure and also super easy to read and understand. Even though YAML is easier to configure, these files could do a lot of things in DevOps.

You could save a YAML configuration file using either .yml or .yaml extension. Let’s create a simple YAML file.

## student information 

	name: "john"
	location: 'USA'
	age: 21
	male: true
view raw
student_Info.yaml hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Here, you can see, we store information in a key: value format and also we could store different type of data in YAML such as string, integer, boolean, etc. For string type, you can use either single quotes or double-quotes. When you need to comment out something, use a **# **at the beginning of the comment as above.

Let’s focus to the below example.

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Getting Started with YAML Configurations.
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