You’re a developer working on a Recoil application, and you want to write unit tests to ensure reliability and prevent regression. These tests should reflect how users interact with the application to guarantee each line of code is performing how it should. However, writing meaningful tests can be tedious and time-consuming, but it’s required in your application.

Imagine if there was a way to simplify this process, so that as a developer, you could just sit back and watch those green checkmarks appear automatically. With Chromogen, you can!

What is Recoil?

In March 2020, Facebook released Recoil, a simple and performant new state management library designed to share state with React. It’s lightweight, easy to learn, and rapidly rising in popularity among developers due to minimal boilerplate code. All you need to manage global state in a Recoil application are atoms and selectors. Atoms carry an individual unit of state, while selectors are pure functions that use atoms (or other selectors) to represent derived state.

Since Recoil is so new, there are very few testing tools available for it currently. To solve this issue, we developed Chromogen.

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An Easier Way to Generate Recoil Tests ft. Chromogen
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