20 minutes, 3 steps, 1 running JavaScript full-stack TODO app! Let’s do this! 😎

When starting a new project, there is always a bunch of annoying, time-consuming tasks required to set up your app, install the tools, go through the doc, remember the shell commands… 😩.

I’ve personally started dozens of apps and every time, it’s the same thing all over again. The worst part is that I never remember the process by heart and feel like wasting my time because it’s literally identical.

So, for this article (and my mental health ✌️), I’ve decided to build and share with you the “groundwork” for a MEAN stack app, using Nx. Just as a quick reminder, MEAN — means (sorry I had to… 😂) — stands for  MongoDB,  Express,  Angular &  Node.js.

Nx is a tool meant to build, architect, and test a monorepo (several apps in one single codebase). After the setup, we will implement a simple end-to-end TODO app.


There are two prerequisites, being the installation of NodeJS and MongoDB. We’ll focus on the app more than the installation. You can download NodeJS here and MongoDB  here.

My setup

node -v
//  v12.20.0

npm -v
// v6.14.8
mongo --version
// MongoDB shell version v4.2.3

Ready, get set…

#nodejs #angular #javascript #programming

How to Set Up a MEAN Stack with Nx in Less than 20 Minutes
1.45 GEEK