Want to build a chart in Vue to visually display data and information? This straightforward tutorial shows you how.

It’s almost inevitable that a frontend developer will have to work with charts. From using it to show analytics of data on your dashboards to using it for simple information on websites, you’ll most likely come across scenarios where you need to display data in a visually-pleasing format.

Chart.js is a JavaScript library that helps developers create simple and flexible charts.

In this short tutorial, I’ll show you how to create chart components for your Vue apps using the Chart.js library.

Getting Started

We’ll be creating a chart component that can render bar and line charts.

Note: Before we begin, be sure to have Node.js, Vue, and the Vue CLI installed on your machine. You can install Node.js from here and follow the instructions for installing the Vue CLI.

First, let’s create a new Vue project:

vue create vue-chart

You can select the presets or choose any of the options that suit you.

The next step will be to add Charts.js to the project:

cd vue-chart
npm install chart.js --save

To run the project, use this command:

npm run serve

After this is done, delete the default HelloWorld.vue component inside src/components, and also everything that has to do with it in your App.vue component.

#vue #chart #javascript #web-development #developer

How to Create Chart Components in Vue Apps with Chart.js
2.05 GEEK