It can be tough to prioritize the mobile experience when it often feels like a compromise. Don’t include as much text. Remove some of your images. Stay away from features that get in the mobile visitor’s way. It’s kind of like a parent who tells you, “Go out and have a good time, but don’t do X, Y or Z!”

It’s not necessarily that a mobile visitor needs a shorter page, less text or fewer images to more easily consume content on a smartphone. They just need the content you give them to not feel like so much work.

If you look more closely at your pages, you may find that some of the written content can be converted into data visualizations. So, today we’re going to look at some things you can do to start converting more of your content into graphics and enhance mobile visitors’ experiences in the process.

#mobile web

Can Data Visualization Improve The Mobile Web Experience?
1.35 GEEK