Dark and light mode support has been a recent trend due to the impact on our eyesight caused by the time spent on devices. With  Tailwind CSS and the proper  Nuxt.js (Nuxt) modules, we can easily enable this feature, with the ability to customize each mode’s look and feel to your taste.


In short, you follow the simple steps below to enable dark/light mode with Tailwind CSS and the Nuxt color mode module:

  • Install a Nuxt project using yarn create nuxt-app <project-name> and choose Tailwind CSS as a UI framework from the configuration selection. In case of an existing Nuxt project, run yarn add --dev @nuxtjs/tailwindcss and add the module @nuxtjs/tailwindcss to the list of buildModules in nuxt.config.js.
  • Install tailwindcss-dark-mode and @nuxtjs/color-mode.
  • Declare the use of tailwindcss-dark-mode as a plugin in the collection of plugins in tailwind.config.js. Do the same with @nuxtjs/color-mode by adding require('tailwindcss-dark-mode')() to the collection of plugins in nuxt.config.js.
  • Declare the use of dark mode variants per CSS utilities in the variants field in tailwind.config.js.
  • Start assigning dark mode styles for elements using generated classes with syntax ${dark-mode-variant}:${normal-generated-class-for-css-property}.

Too short to understand? Let’s go through slowly, shall we?

What Is Nuxt.js?

Nuxt.js — or Nuxt for short — is a server-side rendering (SSR) framework based on Vue.js, and it offers developers:

  • Flexibility — With a single codebase, developers have three build options to output their application, such as universal (pure SSR), single-page application (SPA), and static sites.
  • Organized code structure — A Nuxt app template comes with logical folder structures with a built-in router mechanism.
  • Performance optimization — It has auto-code-splitting per page, keeping JavaScript bundled size relatively small for faster delivery.

Also, Nuxt is surrounded by a well-maintained ecosystem — the Nuxt community, which provides lots of practical modules, plugins, and support to simplify the development process.

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Dark and Light Themes with Tailwind CSS and Nuxt.js
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