Disclaimer: this post doesn’t pretend to be the full list of changes, but rather an opinionated overview of the important ones.##


I am sure you are also excited the same way I am after NgConf 2019, and eagerly awaiting the Angular 8 release. Igor Minar’s keynote covered many things from tooling to differential loading and many more awesome features.

Let’s go ahead and see how it impacts your projects. We will discuss the features in detail and whether there are any deprecations and breaking changes.

New Features

Differential loading

Depending on your browserlist file, during the build **Angular **will create a separate bundle for polyfills. So basically you’ll have:

Source: Keynote by Brad Green & Igor Minar(ng-conf 2019)

Using this feature will decrease the bundle size.

Source: Keynote by Brad Green & Igor Minar(ng-conf 2019)

But how does this work?

Basically, **Angular **will build additional files with polyfills, and they will be injected with [nomodule](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/scripting.html#attr-script-nomodule "nomodule") attributes.



Disclaimer: this post doesn’t pretend to be the full list of changes, but rather an opinionated overview of the important ones.####

SVG as a template

You can now use SVG files as a template. Up until now, we only had the option to use inline HTML or external HTML as a template.

  selector: "app-icon",
  templateUrl: "./icon.component.svg",
  styleUrls: ["./icon.component.css"]
export class AppComponent {...}

Experimental Ivy Rendering Engine

**Ivy **is still in the experimental phase and with the **Angular 8 **release you can test it by creating an app with enable-ivy flag set to true as shown below. Remember, it’s not fully functional (opt-in preview) and as suggested by Igor Minar in ngConf 2019, View Engine is still recommended for new apps.

To enable **Ivy **in an existing project set enableIvyoption in the angularCompilerOptions in your project’s tsconfig.app.json

"angularCompilerOptions": {"enableIvy": true}

You can create a new application with the new Engine as well:

$ ng new my-app --enable-ivy

**Ivy **will offer the following advantages, the first 3 features are expected in Angular 9:

  1. Faster Compilation (V9).
  2. Improved Type checking for templates (V9).
  3. Smaller Bundle Size(V9) (in case you missed I/O 19, Vikram Subramanian displayed an App with 4.3 KB build).
  4. Backward compatibility.
  5. And my favorite: you can debug templates (I am sure like me many developers need this feature).

Bazel Support

Bazel is another tool open sourced by **Google **and “don’t we love **Google **for that”. As explained by Igor Minar, Bazel has been used internally for a long time and is now available for everyone to use. You can refer to the Bazel Documentation and also learn how to use it with Angular.

You are probably wondering: “Is Bazel ready?” Short answer: not yet. Currently, it is in the “opt-in preview” mode. Let me cite Alex Eagle, Angular tooling team lead at Google:

Disclaimer: this post doesn’t pretend to be the full list of changes, but rather an opinionated overview of the important ones.> Disclaimer: this post doesn’t pretend to be the full list of changes, but rather an opinionated overview of the important ones.
Bazel is available as opt-in, it is expected to be included in @angular/cli in Version 9.

Bazel will provide these advantages:

  1. Faster Compilation (V9).
  2. Improved Type checking for templates (V9).
  3. Smaller Bundle Size(V9) (in case you missed I/O 19, Vikram Subramanian displayed an App with 4.3 KB build).
  4. Backward compatibility.
  5. And my favorite: you can debug templates (I am sure like me many developers need this feature).

You can add Bazel support using the below command:

ng add @angular/bazel

Or, you can create a new app with Bazel as well:

$ npm install -g @angular/bazel
$ ng new my-app --colection=@angular/bazel

Builders API

The new version allows us to use Builders API, also known as Architect API.

Angular uses builders for main operations: serve , build , test , lint and e2e . You can see used builders in the angular.json file.

"projects": {
  "app-name": {
    "architect": {
      "build": {
        "builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:browser",
      "serve": {
        "builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:dev-server",
      "test": {
        "builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:karma",
      "lint": {
        "builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:tslint",
      "e2e": {
        "builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:protractor",

From now on we can create our custom builders. I think about this as the gulp/grunt commands in the “old days”.

Basically, the builder is just a function with a set of commands which you pass to the createBuilder() method from @angular-devkit/architect package.

import { createBuilder } from '@angular-devkit/architect';
function customBuild(options, context) { 
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    // set of commands

You can check out the built-in Angular builders here.

For more details, you can check this awesome article in the Angular blog.

Changes in the Lazy loading

The new version is deprecating the loadChildren:string** **syntax for loading modules lazily.


loadChildren: './lazy/lazy.module#LazyModule';


loadChildren: () => import('./lazy/lazy.module').then(m => m.LazyModule)

In case you have a lot of lazy loaded modules and want to do it via some package, read Upgrading Lazy Loaded Route by Craig Spence.

Support for $location AngularJs API

The Angular Team wants to provide support for all developers using AngularJs and help them upgrade to Angular. The team has now added support for $location service when you upgrade. A new package angular/common/upgrade is added.

  1. Faster Compilation (V9).
  2. Improved Type checking for templates (V9).
  3. Smaller Bundle Size(V9) (in case you missed I/O 19, Vikram Subramanian displayed an App with 4.3 KB build).
  4. Backward compatibility.
  5. And my favorite: you can debug templates (I am sure like me many developers need this feature).

Web Worker

Web worker support is added in Angular 8. Now you can add web workers and delegate the time consuming processes which you want to run in the background to a web worker. Run the below command to generate a new web worker using the Angular CLI:

ng g webWorker 

Service Worker

Usage of SPA is growing day by day, there are many improvements made to the service worker.

  1. Faster Compilation (V9).
  2. Improved Type checking for templates (V9).
  3. Smaller Bundle Size(V9) (in case you missed I/O 19, Vikram Subramanian displayed an App with 4.3 KB build).
  4. Backward compatibility.
  5. And my favorite: you can debug templates (I am sure like me many developers need this feature).

Read more about Service Workers on Angular Doc.

Form improvements

  1. Faster Compilation (V9).
  2. Improved Type checking for templates (V9).
  3. Smaller Bundle Size(V9) (in case you missed I/O 19, Vikram Subramanian displayed an App with 4.3 KB build).
  4. Backward compatibility.
  5. And my favorite: you can debug templates (I am sure like me many developers need this feature).
validateFormAndDisplayErrors(form: FormGroup) {
  Object.keys(form.controls).map((controlName) => {
    form.get(controlName).markAsTouched({onlySelf: true});

  1. clear (remove all) elements from a FormArray.

Previously to remove all elements from formArray we had to loop removing the 1st element until empty:

while (formArray.length) {

Not anymore. We will have a native method**.**


Configure Timing of ViewChild/ContentChild queries

With this feature, you can pass a static flag to define when you want a ViewChild and ContentChild instance to be resolved.

You’ve probably experienced this inconsistency: query results would sometimes be available in ngOnInit, but sometimes wouldn’t be available until ngAfterContentInit or ngAfterViewInit.

// Ensure Change Detection runs before accessing the instance
@ContentChild('foo', { static: false }) foo!: ElementRef;
// If you need to access it in ngOnInt hook
@ViewChild(TemplateRef, { static: true }) foo!: TemplateRef;

The above feature is not available for ViewChildren or ContentChildren. They will be resolved after Change Detection runs.

But be careful. Setting static: true will not allow you to get results from dynamic templates resolutions(e.g. *ngIf).

Schematic support is added to migrate the existing code to this syntax, as this syntax will be used for Ivy .

You can read more details about this option here.

Support for Typescript 3.4.x

Angular now uses TypeScript 3.4 (v7 uses 3.2.x). There are not a lot of breaking changes — so probably you should be good. You can check them out here.

Performance Improvements

Right now the ServerRendererFactory2 creates a new instance of the DomElementSchemaRegistry for each and every request, which is quite costly. Now it will share the global instance of DomElementSchemaRegistry.

Angular Firebase

If you are using Angular Firebase, there is really good news for you. You can deploy your application using the Angular CLI. Isn’t that exciting?!

You can run the below command to deploy the application using the CLI:

ng run [PROJECT_NAME]:deploy

You can read more about this functionality on Angular Firebase.

Deprecated API’s

Usage for any in TesBed.get

  • TestBed.get() has two signatures, one which is typed and another which accepts and returns any. The signature for any is deprecated; all usage of TestBed.get() should go through the typed API. This mainly affects string tokens (which aren’t supported) and abstract class tokens.


  providers: [{ provide: "stringToken", useValue: new Service() }],
let service = TestBed.get("stringToken"); // type any


const SERVICE_TOKEN = new InjectionToken("SERVICE_TOKEN");
  providers: [{provide: SERVICE_TOKEN, useValue: new Service()}],
let service = TestBed.get(SERVICE_TOKEN); // type Service

Removed deprecated DOCUMENT from @angular/platform-browser

DOCUMENT is removed from @angular/platform-browser If you use DOCUMENT from @angular/platform-browser, you should start to import this from @angular/common.


@angular/http package was deprecated in Angular 5 but was still available as @angular/ platform-server had the dependency on the same, now it is removed from the list of packages.

Breaking Changes

It’s not a well-known fact, but Angular was auto-correcting invalid usage of tr and col HTML elements.

For tr — the correction will be applied if the element is not inside tbody, tfoot or thead. In this case, it will be wrapped automatically in the tbody.

For col — the correction will be applied if the element is not inside colgroup. In this case, it will be wrapped automatically.

Now Angular has decided to leave this for developers, in order to avoid conflicts and issues. So you should wrap it by itself.

You can read more about this issue here.

Angular Material

Angular Material Project is renamed to Angular Components. The packages remain the same.


We are really close to Angular 8. The Angular team is doing a great job — which makes our job (and life) much easier. With every version, the update is smoother and smoother.

Let’s take for example the Air France case.

Source: Keynote by Brad Green & Igor Minar(ng-conf 2019)

So the update should be painless and probably won’t take a lot of time.

#angular #web-development #javascript

Angular 8 is coming
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