The web’s primary principle is to be able to view information that anybody else has placed on its website, which is freely available. You will know that when you build a document, it lives on your computer as a file that you save in a spot named a folder if you know how to use word processing systems. A website is just a collection of interrelated materials, generally hosted on a publicly available computer known as a server in the same directory. In general, a website includes graphics or graphic files as well as core documents.

The fundamental notion of establishing a website is to write all these text pages and to assemble the different visual files you require and put all of them in the folder that other people will be able to view. You need a more rigorous grasp of the web itself than you probably have today before you can comprehend how to programme the web.

These notions offer a more comprehensive knowledge of the environment in which you work and allow you to discuss smartly your work with other developers.


How Does The Web Work?
1.10 GEEK