Create enticing graphics with the CSS mix-blend-mode property which erases the need for tools like Photoshop.

mix-blend-mode is a CSS property that defines how the content of an element should blend with the content of the element’s parent and its background. With this, you can create nice blends and colors for parts of an element’s content depending on its direct background.

mix-blend-mode gives CSS developers greater flexibility to create native designs using real text on images, thereby removing the need to use often bloated images edited with tools like Photoshop.

One big advantage that gives us is better performance, as fewer images would be needed and file sizes would be significantly smaller. On top of that, using photoshopped images doesn’t provide the same SEO benefits that real text provides you.

Yet another important benefit of using mix-blend-mode as opposed to edited image alternatives is that you can use CSS animations, affording you the chance to add more life to your website and elements. Other practical use cases for mix-blend-mode include removing white background from logos and making dynamic text contrast whatever background it is on.

How mix-blend-mode works in a nutshell

mix-blend-mode creates what is known as stacking context. Stacking context is an imaginary z-axis relative to the user facing the viewport where the HTML elements reside. They occupy this space based on elements’ priorities. This is the same idea that the position CSS property uses, too.

mix-blend-mode applies to all elements, including SVGs, though this is not yet available on all browsers at the time of writing.

#css #web-development #programming

Creative Text Styling with the CSS mix-blend-mode Property
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