On the last The New Stack Analysts  podcast of the year, the gang got together — remotely, obviously — to reflect on the year. And oh what a year! For technology, 2020 still had a lot of hits — and some misses.

The New Stack founder and publisher Alex Williams was joined by TNS correspondents Bruce GainStephen Vaughan-Nichols, and Jennifer Riggins, as well as TNS editorial director Libby Clark, and TNS managing editor Joab Jackson.

We looked back on the year that saw millions die, no one fly, and a lot of jobs in turmoil. It was also a year that, while many things screeched to a halt, much of the tech industry had to keep going more than ever.

So what happened in 2020? We aren’t going to recap that roller coaster of terror. If you just woke up from a coma, we suggest easing back into the news as we experienced it, one long day at a time. Instead, let’s focus on the tech side of things.


Is Hindsight Still 2020? Reviewing the Year in Tech
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