Are you an AI enthusiast who wants to keep abreast of the latest developments in space but do not know where to begin? This Mumbai-based computer science engineer may have an answer for you.

With the number of papers and publications that are published each week growing exponentially, one of the biggest challenges for the AI and machine learning enthusiasts is to pick the papers that are trending in the space. There are very few dedicated platforms that host the archives of the technical papers and even fewer websites that surface and suggest top trending papers in AI, ML, computer vision and related domains.

In fact, 42papers is one of a kind initiative that lets tech enthusiasts pick from the top trending papers. Founded by Vikram Rangnekar, there is nothing similar that exists today. It not only curates the best papers in the field on one platform but also lets the users immerse into a social and collaborative experience to discuss and read papers together.

We got in touch with Rangnekar to dive into understanding more about his venture and how it has been benefitting the tech community so far. s.

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Who Is Enabling People To Read More AI Research Papers With Ease
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