Next js Tutorial For Beginners is the today’s topic. It is no secret that creating single-page applications can be immensely challenging these days. But with the help of some libraries, frameworks, and tools, it is effortless nowadays. React.js is the common frontend libraries among the Front-end developers. Its virtual dom theory makes React faster and gives us the better application performance. Now, one problem is that Single Page Applications are not at all SEO  friendly because it is rendered on the Client side  and not Server side . So when the Search Engine crawlers try to send a request, they cannot get our meta content or description and not even the main content. Search Engines do not care about how your app is architected or whatever ideology was used to adjust and fetch the right material. Their bots are not as smart as using your apps as a real user would. All they care about is that once they send their spiders to crawl and index your site, whatever the server provides on the first request is what gets indexed. In our case, all they get is our div tag with an id and bundled JS file, and we can not index our website correctly. So some how, we need a SSR to tackle this problem and in React js, Next.js is the perfect solution.

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Next js Tutorial For Beginners
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