Since React has been introduced dozens of UI libraries and frameworks started to come out one by one and it’s continuing. All of these tools, boilerplates and UI components are here to save your time and help you focus on building apps.

With these tools, you no longer need to worry about designing elements and components and trying to keep them consistent at the same time, which is a time-consuming process, even if you have a designing background.

In this list, I try to share the best UI libraries and frameworks based on my personal experience and opinion.

There are several material design UI frameworks for React, but this is my favorite one because of the implementation of components which looks better than similar frameworks.

Version 1 is still in beta and has much more stuff but it’s inconsistent and API changes a lot. However, I still recommend you to try the latest version, as we did in The Devs.

  • Well implemented Material design
  • Suitable for every website
  • create-react-app and Next.js examples
  • v1 beta is a lot better, but API changes a lot
  • JSS makes it a little harder and time-consuming to start with
  • Customizable theme with JSS

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Top 10 UI libraries and frameworks for ReactJS
5.50 GEEK