This article is part of Demystifying AI, a series of posts that (try to) disambiguate the jargon and myths surrounding AI.

“I’m extremely confident that level 5 [self-driving cars] or essentially complete autonomy will happen, and I think it will happen very quickly,” Tesla CEO Elon Musk said in a video message to the World Artificial Intelligence Conference in Shanghai earlier this month. “I remain confident that we will have the basic functionality for level 5 autonomy complete this year.”

Musk’s remarks triggered much discussion in the media about whether we are close to having full self-driving cars on our roads. Like many other software engineers, I don’t think we’ll be seeing driverless cars (I mean cars that don’t have human drivers) any time soon, let alone the end of this year.

I wrote a column about this on PCMag, and received a lot of feedback (both positive and negative). So I decided to write a more technical and detailed version of my views about the state of self-driving cars. I will explain why, in its current state, deep learning, the technology used in Tesla’s Autopilot, won’t be able to solve the challenges of level 5 autonomous driving. I will also discuss the pathways that I think will lead to the deployment of driverless cars on roads.

Level 5 self-driving cars

This is how the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration defines level 5 self-driving cars: “The vehicle can do all the driving in all circumstances, [and] the human occupants are just passengers and need never be involved in driving.”

Basically, a fully autonomous car doesn’t even need a steering wheel and a driver’s seat. The passengers should be able to spend their time in the car doing more productive work.

full autonomous vehicle level 5 self-driving car prototypeLevel 5 autonomy: Full self-driving cars don’t need a driver’s seat. Everyone is a passenger. (Image credit: Depositphotos)

Current self-driving technology stands at level 2, or partial automation. Tesla’s Autopilot can perform some functions such as acceleration, steering, and braking under specific conditions. And drivers must always maintain control of the car and keep their hands on the steering wheel when Autopilot is on.

Other companies that are testing self-driving technology still have drivers behind the wheel to jump in when the AI makes mistakes (as well as for legal reasons).

The hardware and software of self-driving cars

Another important point Musk raised in his remarks is that he believes Tesla cars will achieve level 5 autonomy “simply by making software improvements.”

Other self-driving car companies, including Waymo and Uber, use lidars, hardware that projects laser to create three-dimensional maps of the car’s surroundings. Tesla, on the other hand, relies mainly on cameras powered by computer vision software to navigate roads and streets. Tesla use deep neural networks to detect roads, cars, objects, and people in video feeds from eight cameras installed around the vehicle. (Tesla also has a front-facing radar and ultrasonic object detectors, but those have mostly minor roles.)

There’s a logic to Tesla’s computer vision–only approach: We humans, too, mostly rely on our vision system to drive. We don’t have 3D mapping hardware wired to our brains to detect objects and avoid collisions.

But here’s where things fall apart. Current neural networks can at best replicate a rough imitation of the human vision system. Deep learning has distinct limits that prevent it from making sense of the world in the way humans do. Neural networks require huge amounts of training data to work reliably, and they don’t have the flexibility of humans when facing a novel situation not included in their training data.

This is something Musk tacitly acknowledged at in his remarks. “[Tesla Autopilot] does not work quite as well in China as it does in the U.S. because most of our engineering is in the U.S.” This is where most of the training data for Tesla’s computer vision algorithms come from.

Deep learning’s long-tail problem

artificial neural networks deep learning human brain

Human drivers also need to adapt themselves to new settings and environments, such as a new city or town, or a weather condition they haven’t experienced before (snow- or ice-covered roads, dirt tracks, heavy mist). However, we use intuitive physics, commonsense, and our knowledge of how the world works to make rational decisions when we deal with new situations.

We understand causality and can determine which events cause others. We also understand the goals and intents of other rational actors in our environments and reliably predict what their next move might be. For instance, if it’s the first time that you see an unattended toddler on the sidewalk, you automatically know that you have pay extra attention and be careful. And what if you meet a stray elephant in the street for the first time? Do you need previous training examples to know that you should probably make a detour?

But for the time being, deep learning algorithms don’t have such capabilities, therefore they need to be pre-trained for every possible situation they encounter.

There’s already a body of evidence that shows Tesla’s deep learning algorithms are not very good at dealing with unexpected scenery even in the environments that they are adapted to. In 2016, a Tesla crashed into a tractor-trailer truck because its AI algorithm failed to detect the vehicle against the brightly lit sky. In another incident, a Tesla self-drove into a concrete barrier, killing the driver. And there have been several incidents of Tesla vehicles on Autopilot crashing into parked fire trucks and overturned vehicles. In all cases, the neural network was seeing a scene that was not included in its training data or was too different from what it had been trained on.

Tesla is constantly updating its deep learning models to deal with “edge cases,” as these new situations are called. But the problem is, we don’t know how many of these edge cases exist. They’re virtually limitless, which is what it is often referred to as the “long tail” of problems deep learning must solve.

Musk also pointed this out in his remarks to the Shanghai AI conference: “I think there are no fundamental challenges remaining for level 5 autonomy. There are many small problems, and then there’s the challenge of solving all those small problems and then putting the whole system together, and just keep addressing the long tail of problems.”

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Why deep learning won’t give us level 5 self-driving cars
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