Cara Ou Coroa is a Mobile Project Developed to Exercise Knowledge in Flutter

Heads or tails


About | How it works | Technologies Used | How to contribute | License | Thanks


An application that through random choice returns a result between “heads” and “tails”. Another project done with the objective of exercising and applying the knowledge acquired in the Flutter development course.

How it works

Location Functionality
homepage App home page where the user can start using the “PLAY” button
result Secondary page of the app where the result of the draw is shown to the user

Technologies Used

The project was developed using the following tools and technologies:

How to contribute

  • Fork the repository
  • Clone the repository
  • Create a branch with your feature
  • Commit your changes
  • Push your branch
  • Go to Pull Requests of the original project and create a pull request with your commit

Download Details:

Author: m4rc3lob

Source Code:

#flutter #dart #mobile-apps

Cara Ou Coroa is a Mobile Project Developed to Exercise Knowledge in Flutter
2.30 GEEK