UPDATE: The book giveaway challenge is complete. We will be announcing winners on the Visual Studio blog within the next week. Thank you for your submissions!

Visual Studio is an amazing development tool. But Visual Studio and Visual Studio for Mac are more than just intuitive, state-of-the-art development environments. They’re also remarkably powerful learning and exploration tools, with features to help you create and understand your code. I love teaching and learning about C## with Visual Studio. That’s why my co-author, Jenny Greene, and I put Visual Studio and Visual Studio for Mac right at the center of our latest book, _Head First C# _(4th edition), published by O’Reilly Media. _Head First C# _incorporates Visual Studio directly in the learning. combining Visual Studio with the unique and innovative “brain-friendly” Head First approach to teaching helps us make learning C## easier and more fun for our readers.

#visual studio #c# #unity #visual studio 2019 for mac #visual studio for mac

[Guest post] Learn C# with Visual Studio, Visual Studio for Mac, and Unity
1.80 GEEK