This video will focus on how to run unit testing inside Docker container, it will show how to run unit test manually inside the container. Also, how to run unit tests as part of the CI/CD pipelines.
It will explain in detail how Dockerfile builds Docker image to run unit tests. Also, how to save test results as part of the Docker image and how to run a container from that image to see the test results.

It will explain Docker file line by line. So, you can understand and see exactly what the real operation, instruction and what is happening by each line in the Dockerfile. This is a good opportunity to understand Dockerfile.

It starts by copying the project from local machine which includes the unit test to the remote host machine, run a container, copy the project from the host machine to the running container then run unit tests and see the results.

After that, creating Dockerfile with all the instruction including pulling a docker image from a public docker hub, copy the project to the container and run the unit test.

The third and the last part is to use Azure Pipelines to do all the Dockerfile steps as part of Continuous Integration pipeline and see Azure Pipelines active log with the unit test execution and test results.


#unit-testing #docker #testing #go #golang

Running Golang Unit Tests Inside a Docker Container
29.90 GEEK