On-demand delivery apps like food delivery and courier delivery are so delicately built since it establishes the prime connection between the service provider and the user. Any performance issue in the app will surely place it in a detrimental position. There are few factors that influence the performance of the app, they are database, app architecture, and design.

The database is very vital among all. On-demand delivery startups often expand in a short period of time and to accommodate this rapid scaling, the food delivery app database must be resilient and flexible.

We as a maker of the on-demand delivery app SpotnEats have good expertise in multiple database frameworks. Yet, MySQL and MongoDB are predominantly used and the reason for it is explained later.

MySQL and MongoDB are relational and non-relational databases respectively. MongoDB is the latest of the two still both are so close that it is difficult to choose between two. read more at : bit.ly/3tA32xx

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MySQL or MongoDB Which Database is Better for your On-Demand Delivery App? - SpotnEats
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