Dead simple react hook to create state history based on react useReducer


Dead simple react hook to create state history based on react useReducer. Developed to implement undo/redo shortcuts.


yarn add history-reducer

(TS declarations are shipped within this package)



Action Description
push push new current state
back make the prev state the current, and push the current to the future stack
forward if available, push the last future state to the current, and make the current the last past state
reset reset past and future state, and optional set a new current state


const [{present, past, future}, dispatch] = useHistoryReducer(0, 5);

The hook useHistoryReducer returns the current state including present, past and future as the first argument, and a dispatch function as second. It accepts a default value as a first argument, and the max length for past and future as an optional second argument.


import {useHistoryReducer} from "history-reducer";

const HistoryReducerExample = () => {
    const [{present, past}, dispatch] = useHistoryReducer(0);
    return (
            <p>Current value is {present}, but has been {past} before</p>
            <button onClick={() => dispatch({type:'push', state: Math.abs(Math.random() * 100)})}>add</button>
            <button onClick={() => dispatch({type: 'back'})}>back</button>
Basic TS
import {Action, useHistoryReducer} from "history-reducer";

const HistoryReducerExample = () => {
    const [{present, past}, dispatch] = useHistoryReducer<number>(0);
    return (
            <p>Current value is {present}, but has been {past} before</p>
            <button onClick={() => dispatch({type:Action.PUSH, state: Math.abs(Math.random() * 100)})}>add</button>
            <button onClick={() => dispatch({type: Action.BACK})}>back</button>

Also check out the example here.

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Author: marcolink

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#react #reactjs #javascript

Dead simple react hook to create state history based on react useReducer
6.05 GEEK