Creating charts with Laravel and Vue js Chart js Tutorial Example is today’s topic. For this topic, we will use two web technologies.  Laravel as a backend and  Vue.js as a Frontend component. We will insert the data from vue component and display the data in the form of Charts. For charts, we will use a  chartjs library. We use  vue-chartjs as a wrapper for chart.js. Interactive charts can provide a neat way to visualize your data. It is comfortable and beautiful charts with Chart.js and Vue.js. Accessible for both beginners and pros; Simple to use, easy to extend; With the full power of chart.js.

Laravel and Vue Chart js

First of all, as usual, we will start out the tutorial by downloading the Latest Laravel version, and at the time of this example, Laravel 5.6 is latest so let us grab that.

#laravel #vue js #chart js #laravel 5.6

Laravel and Vue js Chart js Tutorial With Example
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