Mind the perf

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Adding more and more new features almost always comes at a cost. Let’s look at some ways how to keep heavy frontend in react performant even when the codebase is growing like crazy.


Push your state to the edge

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React revolutionized the way most of us think about the state. No more binding, no more mess, just a beautiful unidirectional flow of data. It was great.

Until your app grew.

How the heck do you scale a central store of all app state? Where do you drill all the props? Why does every update go through a bazillion nested layers before it shows?

React Hooks enable a new architecture.

An architecture where state lives where you need it, business logic is where you use it, and anyone can understand your code without studying the whole codebase.

Swizec is a prolific engineer, instructor, blogger, vlogger, conference speaker, and author. He’s written many books including ReactForDataViz.com, Data Visualization with D3.js, the work-in-progress SeverlessHandbook.Dev, and ServerlessReact.Dev. He has trained the engineering teams from multiple Fortune 500 companies on React, Redux, GraphQL, Serverless, and other modern web technologies.

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