In this tutorial video we will introduce Selenium with Python Full Course For Beginners


  • 00:20 Install Python
  • 01:39 Install Selenium
  • 04:30 Install Pycharm and configure Selenium
  • 08:25 Selenium WebDriver download (Chrome, Firefox, and IE)
  • 11:52 Start project
  • 20:00 WebDriver Basic Commands (Title, URL)
  • 27:44 Navigation Commands
  • 36:52 Conditional Commands (is_selected,is_enabled,is_displayed)
  • 50:54 Wait Commands - Implicit
  • 01:01:08 Wait Commands - Explicit
  • 01:32:44 Input Boxes
  • 01:45:46 Radio Buttons & Check Boxes
  • 01:53:51 Dropdown
  • 02:06:40 Links
  • 02:17:20 Alerts (switch_to_alert().accept()/.dismiss())
  • 02:23:22 Frames (switch_to.frame(name)/.frame(id))
  • 02:35:30 Browser Windows (tabs)
  • 02:48:30 Web Tables
  • 03:07:07 Scrolling (by pixel, end of the page, to-XPATH)
  • 03:18:00 Mouse Actions - Mouse Hover
  • 03:26:55 Mouse Actions - Double Click
  • 03:32:53 Mouse Actions - Right Click
  • 03:37:49 Mouse Actions - Drag and Drop
  • 03:44:51 Upload Files
  • 03:51:17 Download Files (Chrome)
  • 04:01:05 Download Files - Change Path (Chrome)
  • 04:09:33 Download Files (FireFox)
  • 04:16:00 Download Files - Change Path (Firefox)
  • 04:20:55 Data-Driven Testing - Excel
  • 04:22:50 Install OpenPyxl Module
  • 04:25:30 Excel Operations - Reading Data From Excel File
  • 04:36:00 Excel Operations - Writing Data Into Excel File
  • 04:43:05 Excel Operations - Data Driven Test Case From Excel File
  • 05:07:00 Handling Cookies (Count, Add, Delete)
  • 05:23:29 Capture Screenshots
  • 05:30:03 Logging
  • 05:45:30 UnitTest Framework
  • 05:57:39 UnitTest Framework - Keywords (Setup, tearDown)
  • 06:15:08 UnitTest Framework - Skipping Tests
  • 06:29:00 UnitTest Framework - Assertion (assertEqual, assertNotEqual)
  • 06:39:15 UnitTest Framework - Assertion (assertTrue, assertFalse)
  • 06:48:49 UnitTest Framework - Assertion (assertIsNone, assertIsNotNone)
  • 06:56:50 UnitTest Framework - Assertion (assertIn, assertIsNotIn)
  • 07:04:45 UnitTest Framework - Assertion (assertGreater,assertLess)
  • 07:11:30 Create/Execute Test Cases and Test Suites
  • 07:41:14 Install PyTest
  • 07:49:48 PyTest - Fixtures (pytest.fixture(), pytest.yield_fixture())
  • 08:04:26 PyTest - Multiple Ways to Run Test Cases

#python #selenium #testing

Selenium with Python Full Course For Beginners
34.55 GEEK