E-Commerce website for ordering Pizza Online with Reactjs and Firebase

Pizza Man Project

This is an E-Commerce website for ordering Pizza Online

Libraries used

  1. React: To create the Single Page App
  2. React-Router: For Routing
  3. Redux: For State Management
  4. Firebase: As a DataBase

Firebase Setup

You need to create a firebase configeration file holding the firebase settings in the path /src/firebase/config.js. The required format is:

const firebaseConfig = {
	apiKey: "API-KEY",
	authDomain: "AUTH-DOMAIN.firebaseapp.com",
	databaseURL: "DATABASE-URL.firebaseio.com",
	projectId: "PROJECT-ID",
	storageBucket: "STORAGE-BUCKET.appspot.com",
	messagingSenderId: "MESSAGING-SENDER-ID",
	appId: "APP-ID",
	measurementId: "MEASUREMENT-ID",

export default firebaseConfig;

Data needs to be stored in the following format (can hold as many pizzas or categories as needed):

	menu: {
		category: [
				id: 1, // number
				name: "NAME", // string
				desc: "DESCRIPTION", // string
				price: 100, // number

How to Use

To use the project follow the steps given below:

  1. Install the necessary modules (npm install).
  2. Setup Firebase Project and configeration
  3. Use npm start to run the react app

Download Details:

Author: ruppysuppy

Source Code: https://github.com/ruppysuppy/Pizza-Man

#reactjs #firebase #javascript #react

E-Commerce website for ordering Pizza Online with Reactjs and Firebase
75.10 GEEK