There are many use cases where data processing needs to occur in near real-time to answer questions locally. Stuff is happening, and we need to make decisions about it asap. No time for transferring all that data back to the public cloud.

So many organizations are choosing to extend their public cloud projects to private, on-premises locations, building a hybrid cloud solution.

AWS Outposts is one of the ways that organizations with a cloud-first initiative can meet local data processing or low-latency requirements. With an Outpost rack, AWS compute hardware is deployed in the customer’s data center.

This post gives an introduction to hybrid cloud AI workflows and describes how to pair local storage with AWS Outposts.

In this post, I use Pure Storage FlashBlade as an example storage server since it supports both file and object storage from the same device.

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How to use high-performance local storage for AI workloads on AWS Outposts
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