Easy to use Podcast player app written in Flutter and Dart

Anytime Podcast Player

This is the official repository for the Anytime Podcast Player - the simple Podcast playing app built with Dart & Flutter.

Getting Started

Anytime is currently in Alpha - so please expect bugs! It also only supports Android at this time. A version for iOS is in the works, but is slower going as I do not have any Apple hardware to build or test on.


I am looking for a few people to help me test the binaries on the Google Play Store in a closed Alpha test. If you would be willing to help me, please drop me an email at anytime@amugofjava.me.uk or raise a GitHub issue. Once Anytime is out of Alpha I will move to an open Beta test on the Play Store.

[Building from source

If you do not have the Flutter SDK installed, follow the instructions from the Flutter site here.

To build from source fetch the latest from master:

git clone https://github.com/amugofjava/podcast_search.git

From the anytime directory fetch the dependencies:

flutter packages get

Then either run:

flutter run

Or build:

flutter build apk

Built With

Anytime makes use of several amazing packages available on pub.dev. Below is a list of the packages that are heavily used within the application.

  • Flutter - SDK.
  • Sembast - NoSQL persistent store.
  • RxDart - adds additional capabilities to Dart Streams and StreamControllers.
  • Audio Service - Provides background support for supporting audio libraries.
  • Podcast Search - Provides podcast search and parsing.


Anytime takes a layered approach:

  • UI - The UI presented to the users. Currently this is mobile, but could be extended to web and/or desktop in the future.
  • BLoC - Handles the state for the UI. Communication between the UI and BLoC is entirely via Sinks and Streams.
  • Services - Interacts with the API and Repository to provide data handling routines to the BLoCs and other services.
  • API - Interacts with the iTunes API (via a package) to fetch and parse podcast data.
  • Repository - Provides persistent storage.


If you have an issue or discover a bug, please raise a GitHub issue. Pull requests are also welcome.

Have a question?

If you wish to reach out to me directly you can find me at anytime@amugofjava.me.uk.

Download Details:

Author: amugofjava

GitHub: https://github.com/amugofjava/anytime_podcast_player

#flutter #dart #mobile-apps

Easy to use Podcast player app written in Flutter and Dart
7.70 GEEK