We worked with AtomChat in the project FlowBuilder, it is a graphical interface for creating chat bots in an easy and simple way for businesses and people that want to automate their communications with their clients, we created a team called Ternary Devs and its members are Alejandro Franco, Esteban Castaño and Juan Pablo Montoya (myself).

We chose this project because it was something that was pretty challenging, the new technologies, working with Typescript when we came from Python, working entirely with the Dialogflow API and integrating it with an application that was easy and intuitive to use, and we weren’t disappointed, it was wild ride.

At the beginning of the development we were assigned some technologies to work with, which are, for frontend Angular and TypeScript. For the backend Node.jsExpress.jsGoogle Cloud FunctionsFirestore and Dialogflow ES, the last one is a Google technology that allows to create agents with NLP technology and allows to have conversations with real people, it has been on the market for 5 years or more, but we decided to use Dialogflow CX which is a newer version of this tool, and is more suited to the type of development we wanted to do.

I was in charge of the backend, which in short is an API and the connection with Dialogflow CX and Firestore. The development at the beginning was researching the tools, TypeScriptNode.js and Express.js were the first ones, then I continued with Dialogflow CX and found the Client Libraries, and its easy integration with Node.js, from there I started to realize that the SDK documentation (client libraries) was not very complete, and it was better to go to the REST API documentation which had much more content.

#dialogflow-cx #expressjs #nodejs #node

Working with A Recent Technology, Dialogflow CX — FlowBuilder
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