There is a huge demand for cross-platform app frameworks like React Native and **Flutter **which allows you to create native-looking iOS and Android apps with the same code base.

Many people get confused between Flutter and React Native but for me, the choice is absolutely clear becuase of JavaScript. React Native allows you to create cross-platform apps using JavaScript which means you don’t need to learn a new programming language like Dart and you can use your existing knowledge of JavaScript to create beautiful looking native apps using React Native.

If you want to learn React Native now and looking for the best online courses, training material, tutorials, and class then you have come to the right place.

In the past, I have shared the best React Native courses and today I am going to share the best free online training courses to learn React Native. The list includes both React Native crash course as well as comprehensive courses to learn React Native in depth.

React Native is an amazing choice if you’re willing to work on open-source software that works on most of the devices around the world.

If you’re looking for developing business applications or coding skills React Native can provide a chance to get in touch with an amazing technology that might shape the future. We have sorted out the best courses available out there that can help you gain the skill.

By the way, If you want to learn React Native in-depth and looking for more comprehensive online courses then I also recommend you check out The Complete React Native Guide by Stephen Grider.

This 38 hours long course will teach you everything you need to learn about React Native, including Hooks It’s not free but its completely worth your time and money. I bought this course at just $10 and still watch it.

The Complete React Native + Hooks Course [2020 Edition]

Understand React Native v0.62.2 with Hooks, Context, and React Navigation.

7 Free Online Courses to learn React Native in 2020

The following list includes the best hand-picked courses to learn React Native. These are the best free courses from sites like UdemyCoursera, Harvard, red, and created by experts like Spencer Carli and trusted by thousands of developers all over the world. They are also completely free and you can join them online to learn React Native from your home at your schedule.

1. Intro to React Native — Build Cryptocurrency Tracker App (Udemy)

This is one of the best Udemy courses to learn React native for FREE. To start this course all you need is a mac or windows and will to learn.

This course is specially designed for beginner level enthusiasts who are either trying to develop a business application or acquire the knowledge of libraries to improve application appearance.

Things that you’re going to learn in this course:

  • Operating on firebase
  • Authentication
  • HTML and CSS for styling
  • Deploying the application to masses

This course is updated weekly so you’re going to get the perspective of other people as well while you learn. Each lecture will take you to step by step through the process of application development.

Here is the link to join this course — Intro to React Native — Build Cryptocurrency Tracker App

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#mobile-app-development #coding #react-native #javascript #react

10 Free React Native Courses for Beginners in 2020 — Best of Lot
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