This year, being 2020 and all, it’s not surprising that security expert Sounil Yu has dubbed the next decade as the Age of Recovery.

In his talk at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU Cloud Native Security Day last month, Yu examined how the security technology landscape has evolved, and how that has adapted for new the cloud native world. He offers up this inherently distributed, immutable and ephemeral infrastructure as the true way IT teams — both CIO and CISO — are going to be able to avoid irreparable damage in the barrage of attacks we’re all facing.

How Do You Begin to Organize All the Cybersecurity Tech?

In his previous role as chief security scientist at Bank of America, Yu was tasked with making sense of the security technology landscape — literally thousands of security technologies and vendors and how they fit into a portfolio of capabilities.

With this challenge in mind, Yu created what he’s dubbed the Cyber Defense Matrix — also the name of his upcoming book.

In this matrix, the y-axis features five things you care about. In this case, thinking about the banking giant’s systems, he chose:

  • devices
  • applications
  • networks
  • data
  • users

The x-axis highlights the five functions of the NIST Cybersecurity Framework:

  • identify
  • protect
  • detect
  • respond
  • recover

This two-dimensional visualization allowed him to compare products and to identify gaps in enterprise security infrastructure and practice.

As you can see above (brands were blurred intentionally), there’s quite a strong pattern: crowded on the left — tools to identify, protect and detect — and almost nothing on the right. If you look at the bottom of the matrix, you also see that there’s a strong degree of technical dependency on the identify side but this process shifts toward service-oriented companies, leveraging people to detect, respond and, especially, recover.

It left Yu wondering: Is the cybersecurity industry really solving the right problems?

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KubeCon EU: Cloud Native Security Tools for the Next Decade Will Focus on Recovery
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