EC2 stands for, Elastic Compute Cloud. It is a part of Amazon’s cloud-computing platform, Which allows users to rent virtual computers on which they can run their own computer applications. Creating and using the EC2 instance is very simple. Following are the steps:

Step 1: Create an Account in EC2

1.1) Go to and the following screen will get a display.

1.2) Click on “Create an AWS Account”

amazon EC2

1.3) Start filling the account creation form.

You will require your email Id, Phone Number, and Credit/Debit card details. AWS is free for 12 months, however, it is mandatory to fill in payment details to create an account.

aws account

1.4) After filling in all the required information, your account will get created. Within 24 hours all the services (like EC2) will get activated on your account. (but mostly it take 5-10 minutes)

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How to Create EC2 Instance in AWS — Tutorial for Beginners
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