Reading books about habits and behaviour change is something I have done a lot of over the past few years. As someone interested in all sorts of productivity hacks and life optimizations, I find this genre of books really enjoyable. This is especially true when a book in this genre ends up leading to unexpected improvements in my life.
Atomic Habits: An Easy and Proven Way to Build New Habits and Break Bad Ones by James Clear is a book I enjoyed reading a lot last year thanks to how it helped improve the quality of my data science learning. It makes for an easy read and allows for a very pleasant and convenient way of returning to it and re-referencing it if needed.
A great quality about this book is how it does not make any attempt at reinventing the wheel all over again. On the contrary, it amalgamates in a concise and straight-to-the-point style the content that it aims to deliver. In this article, I will explain how the key points of this book impacted my data science learning process.

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How A Book About Building Habits Helped Me Learn Data Science More Effectively
1.60 GEEK