JavaScript data types are kept easy.

While JavaScript data types are mostly similar to other programming languages; some of its data types can be unique. Here, we’ll outline the data types of JavaScript.

Firstly, JavaScript data types are separated into three; primitive, composite (reference), and special data types. Before going to data types of JavaScript, let’s begin with their definitions.


The most basic data type in JavaScript where it does not require any complex statement. Number, string, and boolean are known to be primitive data types.

Composite (reference)

Composite data types are made up of heterogeneous data as a unit. They can contain every data types including other composite values in JavaScript. They’re objects, arrays, and functions.


Numbers are simply floats and integers in JavaScript. When we define integers, they’re numbers without decimal points (for example 9). And floats can be defined as numbers with a decimal point in JavaScript (for example 3.4).


Similar to other programming languages, strings are textual data being represented as a single or double quotes surrounding one or more characters.


Similar to other programming languages; booleans are used to check whether statements are true or false. It’s generally used to check the validity of statements in JavaScript and all other programming languages out there.


Arrays are a type of object used for storing multiple variables in a single variable. Each one is called an element and arrays start with 0.


Similar to other programming languages; functions give the output in a simple matter. And there are lots of built-in functions in JavaScript that gives you the output you need to execute a block of code if the statements are written correctly. They can be assigned to variables as they’re objects at the same type.

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Data Types In JavaScript
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