Python Real-Time Data Collection-New Coronavirus

This repo holds the code for crawling the latest news on the pneumonia virus from Clove doctor’s website

The content of the crawling includes the number of confirmed cases, the number of suspected cases, the progress of relevant research (source of infection, route of transmission, etc.), the number of infected cases in various provinces and the latest 3 real-time news

If you don’t see your province in an infected province, it may be because no cases have been found, but that doesn’t mean you can let your guard down

It may be faster for domestic users to download EXE files through this link

2020-02-03 New Program

The function of 2019-ncov-timer. py program is to crawl the data at 0:00 am every day, and save it in the current sheet with the date of the day as the sheet name. The program was written to make it easier for researchers to analyze data

Please read the following notes carefully

  1. You need to make sure that when the program is running, 2019- ncov.xlsx this Excel file is closed
  2. It needs to be run before 0 a.m. every day to make sure the program is running until it says, “file was written successfully.”
  3. Run directly, and the Excel directory generated is the same as the directory where the program runs

Part of the data in Excel are as follows:



This project was written by me after staying up late for 2 hours in the evening. I just hope to call on all of you to give full play to your strengths, use what you have learned and do something within your capacity for the prevention and control of the epidemic. You can say that my project is rubbish, but please don’t say that I am trying to make a show. No Chinese would make a show of this kind of thing


My power is limited, you can help optimize the code to make it simpler, or you can do some awesome projects, such as data visualization of epidemic transmission. I will also continue to improve the project, welcome to ask more questions. Thanks

I’ll soon deploy the data I’ve crawled to the server as json, so you can call it


Source code, pay attention to the required modules (such as pip install module name)

import requests

import re

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

from time import sleep

import json

from prettytable import ALL

from prettytable import PrettyTable


hubei = {}

guangdong = {}

zhejiang = {}

beijing = {}

shanghai = {}

hunan = {}

anhui = {}

chongqing = {}

sichuan = {}

shandong = {}

guangxi = {}

fujian = {}

jiangsu = {}

henan = {}

hainan = {}

tianjin = {}

jiangxi = {}

shanxi1 = {} # 陕西

guizhou = {}

liaoning = {}

xianggang = {}

heilongjiang = {}

aomen = {}

xinjiang = {}

gansu = {}

yunnan = {}

taiwan = {}

shanxi2 = {} # 山西

jilin = {}

hebei = {}

ningxia = {}

neimenggu = {}

qinghai = {} # none

xizang = {} # none

provinces_idx = [hubei, guangdong, zhejiang, chongqing, hunan, anhui, beijing,

                 shanghai, henan, guangxi, shandong, jiangxi, jiangsu, sichuan,

                 liaoning, fujian, heilongjiang, hainan, tianjin, hebei, shanxi2,

                 yunnan, xianggang, shanxi1, guizhou, jilin, gansu, taiwan,

                 xinjiang, ningxia, aomen, neimenggu, qinghai, xizang]

map = {

    '湖北':0, '广东':1, '浙江':2, '北京':3, '上海':4, '湖南':5, '安徽':6, '重庆':7,

    '四川':8, '山东':9, '广西':10, '福建':11, '江苏':12, '河南':13, '海南':14,

    '天津':15, '江西':16, '陕西':17, '贵州':18, '辽宁':19, '香港':20, '黑龙江':21,

    '澳门':22, '新疆':23, '甘肃':24, '云南':25, '台湾':26, '山西':27, '吉林':28,

    '河北':29, '宁夏':30, '内蒙古':31, '青海':32, '西藏':33




def getTime(text):

    TitleTime = str(text)

    TitleTime = re.findall('<span>(.*?)</span>', TitleTime)

    return TitleTime[0]


def getAllCountry(text):

    AllCountry = str(text)

    AllCountry = AllCountry.replace("[<p class=\"confirmedNumber___3WrF5\"><span class=\"content___2hIPS\">", "")

    AllCountry = AllCountry.replace("<span style=\"color: #4169e2\">", "")

    AllCountry = re.sub("</span>", "", AllCountry)

    AllCountry = AllCountry.replace("</p>]", "")


    AllCountry = AllCountry.replace("<span style=\"color: rgb(65, 105, 226);\">", "")

    AllCountry = re.sub("<span>", "", AllCountry)

    AllCountry = re.sub("<p>", "", AllCountry)

    AllCountry = re.sub("</p>", "", AllCountry)

    return AllCountry 


def query(province):

    table = PrettyTable(['地区', '确诊', '死亡', '治愈'])


    for (k, v) in province.items():

        name = k

        table.add_row([name, v[0] if v[0] != 0 else '-', v[1] if v[1] != 0 else '-', v[2] if v[2] != 0 else '-'])

    if len(province.keys()) != 0:





def getInfo(text):

    text = str(text)

    text = re.sub("<p class=\"descText___Ui3tV\">", "", text)

    text = re.sub("</p>", "", text)

    return text


def is_json(json_str):



    except ValueError:

        return False

    return True


def ff(str, num):

    return str[:num] + str[num+1:]



def main():

    url = ""



        headers = {}

        headers['user-agent'] = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.77 Safari/537.36' #http头大小写不敏感

        headers['accept'] = 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8'

        headers['Connection'] = 'keep-alive'

        headers['Upgrade-Insecure-Requests'] = '1'


        r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)


        r.encoding = r.apparent_encoding

        soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text,'lxml')

        table = PrettyTable(['地区', '确诊', '死亡', '治愈'])

        table.hrules = ALL


        #### 截至时间

        # TitleTime = getTime('.title___2d1_B'))



        # print("              ",TitleTime + "\n")


        while True:

            r = requests.get("")

            json_str = json.loads(r.text)

            if json_str['error'] == 0:






        print("     确诊 " + str(json_str['data']['statistics']['confirmedCount']) + " 例"

            + "       " + "疑似 " + str(json_str['data']['statistics']['suspectedCount']) + " 例"

            + "       " + "死亡" + str(json_str['data']['statistics']['deadCount']) + " 例"

            + "       " + "治愈" + str(json_str['data']['statistics']['curedCount']) + " 例\n")





        print("传染源:" + json_str['data']['statistics']['infectSource'])

        print("病毒:" + json_str['data']['statistics']['virus'])

        print("传播途径:" + json_str['data']['statistics']['passWay'])


        print(json_str['data']['statistics']['remark2'] + "\n")





        json_provinces = re.findall("{\"provinceName\":(.*?)]}", str(soup))


        idx = 0

        for province in json_provinces:

            if is_json(province):




                province = "{\"provinceName\":" + province + "]}"

                province = json.loads(province)


            province_name = province['provinceShortName'] if province['provinceShortName'] != 0 else '-'

            confirmed = province['confirmedCount'] if province['confirmedCount'] != 0 else '-'

            suspected = province['suspectedCount'] if province['suspectedCount'] != 0 else '-'

            cured = province['curedCount'] if province['curedCount'] != 0 else '-'

            dead = province['deadCount'] if province['deadCount'] != 0 else '-'

            table.add_row([province_name, confirmed, dead, cured])

            map[province_name] = idx

            idx = idx + 1

            for city in province['cities']:

                provinces_idx[map[province_name]][city['cityName']] = [city['confirmedCount'], city['deadCount'], city['curedCount']]









        json_provinces = str(re.findall("\"id\":949(.*?)]}", str(soup)))

        json_provinces = json_provinces[:1] + "{\"id\":949" + json_provinces[2:]

        json_provinces = json_provinces[:len(json_provinces) - 2] + json_provinces[len(json_provinces) - 1:]

        provinces = json.loads(json_provinces)


        table = PrettyTable(['地区', '确诊', '死亡', '治愈'])

        for province in provinces:

            confirmed = province['confirmedCount'] if province['confirmedCount'] != 0 else '-'

            dead = province['deadCount'] if province['deadCount'] != 0 else '-'

            cured = province['curedCount'] if province['curedCount'] != 0 else '-'

            table.add_row([province['provinceName'], confirmed, dead, cured])









        idx = 0

        for news in json_str['data']['timeline']:

            if idx == 5:


            print(news['pubDateStr'] + "  " + news['title'])

            idx = idx + 1




        key = input("请输入您想查询详细信息的省份,例如 湖北\n")


        if key in map.keys():









if __name__ == '__main__':



Finally, I wish you all a hundred poisons, China, come on! !! Definitely going through the storm! !!

#python #corona #coronavirus

Python Real-Time Data Collection-New Coronavirus
12.25 GEEK