This Tailwind UI Component Library Really Surprised Me!

Nuxt has a really awesome UI library callled Nuxt UI! Look over the features and create a full stack app with is, backed by AWS Amplify libraries with Gen2!

0:00 What we are building today and learning
0:50 Setting up Nuxt UI Tailwind
03:24 Adding a UButton
06:45 Adding global changes app.config.ts
09:20 Adding AWS Amplify Gen 2
12:53 Adding in Nuxt Amplify Plugin
16:47 Code generating GraphQL queries, mutations, subscriptions
19:37 Putting together the Todo App with Nuxt UI
24:55 Testing out the final app


#nuxt #tailwindcss #tailwind 

Nuxt UI Sample Repo with AWS Amplify Gen2
5.95 GEEK