Day 17 of 30. We’re going to sum all the even numbers in a given Fibonacci sequence using a better code design in Ruby

Hey friends!

This is the blog post version of the Youtube video from the 30 Ruby Coding Challenges in 30 Days series

Today, we want to solve the previous problem in a more Ruby Way

I want to sum all even numbers in a Fibonacci sequence

Last Algorithm Version

This was the last algorithm version of the problem:


def fibonacci_sum(count)

sum = 0

    number = 0

sequence = []

  (0..count).each do |item|

number = item if item <= 1

    number = sequence[-1] + sequence[-2] if item > 1

sequence << number

    sum += number if number % 2 == 0




The code is not that great for a couple of reasons:

*   Too many local variables to manipulate.
*   Two main responsibilities: create the Fibonacci sequence **AND** validate even numbers.

The two main reasons above leave us with code that's difficult to read, and therefore, difficult to maintain. Fewer friends in our team, right? 

I’m going to try to get rid of these problems. Let’s get into it!

## Better Algorithm Version - Ruby Way

I’m going to break the refactoring into a few small steps

### **Step 1 - Splitting Responsibilities**

Let’s create a new method do generate only the Fibonacci sequence


def fibonacci(count)

  sequence = []

(0…count).each do |number|

    sequence << number if number <= 1

sequence << sequence[-1] + sequence[-2] if number > 1




Then we’re going to create the method to sum even numbers based on the generated sequence


def fibonacci(count)

sequence = []

  (0..count).each do |number|

sequence << number if number <= 1

    sequence << sequence[-1] + sequence[-2] if number > 1




def sum(array)

# magic here


puts sum(fibonacci(10))

### **Step 2 - Sum of Even Numbers**

Now, we just need to sum all the even numbers, given an array of numbers.

As we did [previously here](, I’m going to use a Ruby symbol, which allows us to reduce a list of items into a single number by applying an operation:


def sum(array) { |number| number % 2 == 0 }.reduce(:+)


The complete code would be:


def fibonacci(count)

  sequence = []

(0…count).each do |number|

    sequence << number if number <= 1

sequence << sequence[-1] + sequence[-2] if number > 1




def sum(array) { |number| number % 2 == 0 }.reduce(:+)


puts sum(fibonacci(10))

#ruby #programming #coding #ruby on rails #algorithm #fibonacci #tutorial for beginners #algorithm analysis #coding basics

Day 17 Ruby Coding Challenge - Sum Even Numbers in Fibonacci Sequence - DZone Web Dev
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