The Flutter team attended Mobile World Congress 2019 to present its portable UI toolkit that allows developers and designers to build beautiful native apps on iOS and Android from a single code base.

Ever since last year’s announcement of Flutter 1.0, the first stable live version, on 4th of December in London, Google has been constantly making additions and enhancements to its SDK. The result is Flutter 1.2 that was presented at Mobile World Congress 2019 in Barcelona. Read the full announcement from Google Developers blog.

What’s the buzz about?

In today’s mobile-first world, people spend up to ten years of their lives on mobile. “So we better make these 10 years the best of our lives,” were the opening words from Martin Aguinis, Marketing Lead at Flutter, emphasizing that the quality and the performance of the apps matter!

Ever since its launch in May 2017, Flutter has been making rounds in the developer community at the back of the several benefits that it has to offer to everyone — to the businesses, developers and designers. That was also the layout for the MWC’19 event - Flutter panel with partners.


Flutter panel with partners at Mobile World Congress 2019
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