How to Filter an HTML Table Data Using a Select Option In Javascript

Learn to filter data in an HTML table data using a select option with JavaScript. Filter data in HTML table using select option and JavaScript. Elevate your web skills!

In this JavaScript tutorial, we will see how to filter data in an HTML Table based on the selection made in a dropdown (select) element.
When a selection is made, the 'filterTable' function is triggered.
Inside the filterTable function, it first retrieves the selected option from the dropdown. 
Then, it selects all the rows in the table. 
It iterates through each row, skipping the first row (which is the header).

What We Will Use:
- HTML5.
- CSS3.
- JavaScript.
- Font Awesome Icons.

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#html #css #javascript 

How to Filter an HTML Table Data Using a Select Option In JavaScript
9.10 GEEK