Flutter Login Home Animation .A new open-source Flutter project that enables the developer to quickly get started with the Flutter animation and application development. Here’s a GIF that shows a Flutter app that I created.
This project contains the basic features of Flutter Animation that are required to build an amazing Flutter application.
Note: Make sure your Flutter environment is setup.
In the command terminal, run the following commands:
$ git clone https://github.com/GeekyAnts/flutter-login-home-animation/tree/master/
$ cd Flutter-LoginAnimation/dribbbledanimation
$ flutter run
Open the project in Xcode from ios/Runner.xcodeproj.
Hit the play button.
Run the following command in your terminal.
$ open -a Simulator
$ flutter run
Make sure you have an Android emulator installed and running.
Run the following command in your terminal.
$ flutter run
Author: GeekyAnts
GitHub: https://github.com/GeekyAnts/flutter-login-home-animation
#flutter #dart #programming