Every day, Every Hour, Every Minute, we are saying few simple words like “Hey Google” or “Hey Alexa” or “Hey Siri” to know something or to get our works done. But We as a simple human never think about these things like…

“Hey Google, How do you work ?” or “Hey Alexa, Why are you so smart ?” or “Hey Siri, What’s behind your success ?”

**It’s simply because as a client we never bother about these things. **In any application clients are the ones who needs to be satisfied and in today’s world these assistants are so much smarter that there is no reason to think or ask these things as a client.

But as a Tech Enthusiast, or as a guy from CS background it’s always too much fascinating to know about behind the scene technologies, these popular companies are using to make these smart assistants capable of extraordinary performance. In this case study we will try to find out these answers.

In today’s world we have lots of Voice Assistants like Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, Apple Siri, Samsung Bixby, Microsoft Cortana and many more. Each and every **smart assistant have their own capabilities but they also have few behind technologies same. **I am picking Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa & Apple Siri to find out what’s common on them and what’s their uniqueness. So, let’s start…

#google #apple #alexa #voice-assistant #ai

AI Revolution — Voice Assistants & Their Smartness
3.20 GEEK