Do you want to put yourself ahead of attackers?

JavaScript, like almost any programming language, does not lack security vulnerabilities. By misusing JavaScript vulnerabilities, one can manipulate data, modify and steal data, redirect browser sessions, etc.

While JavaScript is often considered as a client-side application, JavaScript security concerns can present challenges on the server-side as well. Being aware of common JavaScript security vulnerabilities is the best defense against them. A good defense is being aware of the threat and implementing proper controls to minimize risk.

In this article, I am going to tell you about the seven practices to write a secure JavaScript web application. I am sure it will be helpful for you when you read them one by one.

1. Validate user input to limit SQL injections and XSS attacks

2. Implement strong authentication

3. Avoid errors that reveal too much

4. Run automatic vulnerability scanning

5. Avoid data leaks

6. Set up logging and monitoring

7. Use security linters

#javascript #security #coding

7 Practical Tips to Write a Secure JavaScript Web Application
1.40 GEEK