This session will be an introduction to AzureML and we will introduce the concepts of Azure ML by building a model using Azure ML and deploying it in Azure Kubernetes Services. This session will focus on Azure ML - Training and Deploying a Model into Azure Kubernetes Service from scratch.

Speaker BIO- Ambarish is a Business and Technology Consultant for more than 20 Years. He is a data lover and compete regularly in data science competitions. He had won Eight Data Science Competition Awards ( 1 sponsored by NASA, Seven sponsored by Kaggle - A Google Company). He presently works with Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) as the Energy Trading and Risk Management Lead, as well as Data Analytics Practice Lead for TCS Utilities. This is a very exciting position where he has the opportunity to combine domain knowledge with data. He is very fortunate to be surrounded by very enthusiastic and energetic people. He do follow cricket, loves to read detective books, and also watch detective films.
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Recommendation Engine and Azure ML Series - Introduction to Azure ML
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