TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that provides optional static typing along with type inference. It also supports modern JavaScript features, which makes it similar to the Babel project.

This type annotation describes a range of values that a particular variable (or constant) can take, or a particular function can return. With TypeScript we can now explicitly specify the value constrains in our code. It leads to a stricter control, which is a good thing.

TypeScript not only allows us to specify type, but is also smart enough to guess the types based on how particular variable or function is used in the code - this feature is known as type inference.

Let’s now write a simple HTTP server in Node.js using TypeScript to see how VS Code supports TypeScript out of the box.

TypeScript makes writing JavaScript more enjoyable. It reduces the probability of making typos while the type system constrains the area for mistakes.

We also simplified and sped up the development process by eliminating the need to switch between the editor and the terminal - everything is now in one place, directly accessible from VS Code.

That’s a perfect TypeScript setup for Node.js with VS Code, indeed!

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TypeScript Setup for Node.js with VS Code & PM2
22.10 GEEK