
Familiarity with Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and some basic Linux commands. Although I would try to explain everything as much as I can, if you have some difficulty in understanding any concept please refer to the official documentation of Django, React, Docker, or any other documentation as necessary.

You would need to have Python, Node, Postgres and Docker installed on your system. Python and Node come with their default package managers i.e. pip and npm respectively. I would use these package managers for this article, but feel free to use any other package manager which works for you. For this article, I used Python 3.7.4, Node 12.16.2, Postgres 12.3, and Docker 19.03.12. Docker was installed as the Docker Desktop version which comes pre-packaged with docker-compose, version 1.26.2 in my case.

I used VS Code as my editor as this is a free editor with many features and a built-in terminal which comes very handy for our use case. Again feel free to use an editor of your choice.

#django #docker #python #react #machine-learning

Build a fully production ready machine learning app with Python Django, React and Docker
7.55 GEEK