Giphy Get with Flutter



This package allow to get gifs, sticker or emojis from GIPHY in pure dart code using Giphy SDK design guidelines.



Getting Started

Important! you must register your app at Giphy Develepers and get your APIKEY

import 'package:giphy_get/giphy_get.dart';

GiphyGif gif = await GiphyGet.getGif(
  context: context, //Required
  apiKey: "your api key HERE", //Required.
  lang: GiphyLanguage.english, //Optional - Language for query.
  randomID: "abcd", // Optional - An ID/proxy for a specific user. 
  searchText :"Search GIPHY",//Optional - AppBar search hint text.
  tabColor:Colors.teal, // Optional- default accent color.


Value Type Description Default
lang String Use ISO 639-1 language code or use GiphyLanguage constants GiphyLanguage.english
randomID String An ID/proxy for a specific user. null
searchText String Input search hint, we recomend use flutter_18n package for translation "Search GIPHY"
tabColor Color Color for tabs and loading progress, Theme.of(context).accentColor

Get Random ID

GiphyClient giphyClient = GiphyClient(apiKey: "YOUR API KEY");
String randomId = await giphyClient.getRandomId();


Feel free to make any PR’s

Download Details:

Author: bazospa

Source Code:

#flutter #dart #mobile-apps

Giphy Get with Flutter
21.10 GEEK